IDClassic CL02 - MIFARE Classic® 4K Card

MIFARE Classic® 4K contactless card

Hybrid Card Body Applications

Hybrid Card bodies are contactless options compliant with any smartcard (Classic, .NET, TOP, Access, IAS, ...)

Such an hybrid card body option is the ideal solution to build an application based on a contact/contactless badge. With this option, the same smartcard embeds both a PKI contact application, ensuring Logical Access Control, and a contactless application, ensuring Physical Access Control.

Hybrid card body options includes MIFARE®, DESFire® card bodies and some HID card bodies.


Hybrid Card Body Benefits

The Hybrid Card Body option is the straight forward solution to combine Logical Access Control and Physical Access Control.

Just choose the solution that best fits your needs for Logical Access Control, the solution that best fits your needs for Physical Access Control. Hybrid smartcard will embed the 2 components in a single device.


Hybrid Card Body Technical Specifications

MIFARE® Card Body


  Availability Main Characteristics Detailed Specifications
MIFARE Classic® 1K Production 1 Kbyte MIFARE Classic® 1K datasheet
MIFARE Classic® 4K Production 4 Kbytes MIFARE Classic® 4K datasheet


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