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HID Global
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FPMXI FlexPass® MIFARE® - Indala® Combo Smart Card

13.56 MHz ISO Thick, Photo Imageable contactless smart card with proximity technology.

FPDXI FlexPass® DESFire - Indala® Prox Combo Card

13.56 MHz ISO Thick, Photo Imageable proximity card for an added level of access control security.

FPMXI FlexPass® MIFARE® - Indala® Combo Smart Card

Low frequency entry-level proximity cards for physical access control. 13.56 MHz ISO Thick, Photo Imageable contactless smart card with proximity technology.

FPDXI FlexPass® DESFire - Indala® Prox Combo Card

13.56 MHz ISO Thick, Photo Imageable proximity card for an added level of access control security.

202x iCLASS + HITAG1 Card

Multi-technology smart card solution with iCLASS and HITAG1 for migration to iCLASS SE platform.

1451x SIO Solution for MIFARE® DESFire® EV1 + HITAG1 Card

Smart card solution with SIO Solution for MIFARE® DESFire® EV1 and HITAG1for migration to iCLASS SE platform.

202x iCLASS + HITAG2 Card

Multi-technology smart card solution with iCLASS and HITAG2 for migration to iCLASS SE platform.

293/296 SIO Solution for MIFARE® DESFire® EV1 + LEGIC prime 1024

High frequency, contactless smart card credentials. Dual high-frequency migration card with MIFARE® DESFire® EV1 and LEGIC. 13.56 MHz contactless SIO Solution for MIFARE® DESFire® EV1 8K Card with LEGIC prime.

292/295 SIO Solution for MIFARE® DESFire® EV1 + LEGIC prime 1024 + Prox Card

13.56 MHz contactless SIO enabled Solution for MIFARE® DESFire® EV1 8K with LEGIC prime and Proximity technologies. Multi-technology migration solutions with High Frequency (MIFARE® DESFire®, LEGIC) and 125 KHz Proximity.

252/262 iCLASS + LEGIC prime 1024 + Prox Card

13.56 MHz contactless iCLASS card with LEGIC prime and 125 KHz Proximity technologies. Migration card solutions with iCLASS and LEGIC.


Medium-durability cards great for full-color photo IDs and loyalty cards.

UltraCard® Premium

Composite material construction provides for maximum durability, flexibility and card life, with optimal resolution print quality for re-transfer printing, lamination and fluorescent panel ribbon printing applications. High durability cards for retransfer printing, lamination and flourescent panel ribbon applications.

UltraCard® PC

100% polycarbonate construction offers the highest level of card durability and longest card life. UltraCard® PC is ideal for laser engraving applications and is compatible only with High Definition Printing (HDP®) technology. 100% Polycarbonate cards compatible with retransfer printing and laser engraving.

CP1000 iCLASS SE Encoder

Convenient encoding solution for contactless credentials. Encoder Platform for programming contactless credentials. Encode high frequency credentials such as iCLASS Seos™, iCLASS SE®, and MIFARE® DESFire® EV1.

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