SIM Card Simulation Tool Suite

The Simulation Suite provides end-to-end Simulation of the SIM card environment:

  • Card Simulators
  • Mobile Simulators
  • Network Simulator


Card Simulators

Triggering the Java application in debug mode (running on the card simulator) with the mobile simulator will help you to quickly test the menu navigation stepping into the applet source code.

Mobile Simulators

The Mobile Simulators simulate on your PC a SIM Toolkit session between a 2G mobile and SIM Card (a real SIM Card or a SIM Card Simulator), a USAT session between a 3G mobile and a USIM Card booted in 3G mode.

SIM Toolkit Mobile Compatibility Testing

When you deploy a SIM Toolkit application you very often have to face different behavior from one mobile to the other. Using our mobile simulator you can check whether your problem is coming from the mobile or from the application thanks to the interpreted traces.

USAT Mobile Compatibility Testing

When you deploy a USAT application you very often have to face different behavior from one mobile to the other. Using our 3G mobile simulator you can check whether your problem is coming from the mobile or from the application thanks to the interpreted traces.

Manage Change of Location and Call Control Events

The mobile simulator is also able to simulate change of location and monitor SIM Toolkit call control results. Those kind of tests are quite difficult to set up in real environment while it is performed with a single click thanks to GemXplore SIMulation.

Test the SIM Toolkit Application Menu Navigation

Triggering the Java application in debug mode (running on the card simulator) with the mobile simulator will help you to quickly test the menu navigation stepping into the applet source code.

Server Simulators

The OTA server simulator is either an OTA message generator or an OTA message automatic answer provider.

Set up & Test Remote File Management Services

A new OTA scripting language (based on pseudo Java) has been implemented on the new version of the OTA server simulator. This way, you can develop & test more advanced services.
The OTA parameters editor will ease the configuration of the remote file management messages security such that you will not have to be a 23.048 expert to check whether the security are correctly set on the card or not.

Provide an automatic answer to an applet outgoing SMS

The OTA server simulator agents are able to provide a pre-defined automatic answer to an incoming SMS (generated by the applet with a Send SMS pro-active command) such that you are able, developing on your PC, to monitor whether the applet correctly formats the SMS or not. You'll also be able to check whether the applet correctly processes the network answer or not stepping into the source code

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