Java Card technology provides a secure environment for applications that run on smart cards and other trusted devices with limited memory and processing capabilities. Multiple applications can be deployed on a single card, and new ones can be added to it even after it has been issued to the end user. Java Card also includes a set of unique tools for developing new products.

These release notes describe the specifications for the Java Card 3 Platform, Version 3.0.5, Classic Edition. The Java Card 3 platform consists of versions 3.0, 3.0.1, 3.0.4 and 3.0.5 of the specifications and versions 3.0.1, 3.0.2, 3.0.3, 3.0.4 and 3.0.5 of the development kit.

The Java Card platform is available in two editions, Classic and Connected. This Version 3.0.5 release of the specifications is for the Classic Edition; the Connected Edition specifications are not included in this release.

This release of the Classic Edition specifications is based on an evolution of Version 3.0.4 of the Classic Edition specifications, and targets more resource-constrained devices that support applet-based applications. This release introduces more security features/updates to protect against attacks and better alignment with other industry standards. Also included are bug fixes and clarifications against the Java Card Classic Edition specifications, Version 3.0.4, and new security algorithms.


Runtime Environment Specification, 
Java Card Platform, 
Classic Edition, Version 3.0.5
This specification describes the runtime environment (RE) for the Classic Edition of the Java Card Platform. This RE mirrors those REs found in previous releases of the Java Card platform, including v3.0.4, v3.0.1 and v2.2.2. 
Application Programming Interface, 
Java Card Platform, 
Classic Edition, Version 3.0.5
This API defines a set of classes upon which Java Card technology-based applets can be constructed. This API mirrors those APIs found in previous releases of the Java Card platform, including v3.0.4, v3.0.1 and v2.2.2.
Virtual Machine Specification,
Java Card Platform, 
Classic Edition, Version 3.0.5
This specification describes the virtual machine for the Classic Edition of the Java Card Platform. This VM mirrors those VMs found in previous releases of the Java Card platform, including v3.0.4, v3.0.1 and v2.2.2.

The documents are accessible on any computer system with an unzip utility, Adobe Acrobat Reader (version 4.0 or later), and a CSS-compliant web browser.

HTML can be viewed with any CSS-compliant browser software, such as:

  • Internet Explorer, version 5.0 or later
  • Mozilla Firefox, version 11.0 or later
  • PDF files can be viewed in your web browser with an appropriate plugin or in AdobeĀ® Acrobat Reader. Most recent browsers include the PDF reader plugin.If your browser does not, you can download the plugin from the browser vendor's web site or the Adobe web site at

Download and unzip the specifications bundle

The bundle unzips into the subdirectory javacard_specifications-3_0_5-RR, within which you will find the subdirectory classic.

Within the classic subdirectory you will find the specifications:

  • api_classic - contains the Java Card API specification for the Classic Edition in JavadocTM tool HTML format. These can be viewed in most browsers but do not render well in Mozilla Firefox 3.0.10.
  • jcre_classic - contains the Java Card runtime environment specification for the Classic Edition in PDF format (JCREspecCLASSIC-3_0_5-RR.pdf).
  • jcvm_classic - contains the Java Card virtual machine specification for the Classic Edition in PDF format (JCVMspecCLASSIC-3_0_5-RR.pdf)

The following sections describe the changes to the Classic Edition specifications for the Java Card platform since the Version 3.0.4 release.

Application Programming Interface, Version 3.0.5, Classic Edition

This section describes the changes to the Application Programming Interface Specification, Java Card Platform, Version 3.0.5, Classic Edition since the Version 3.0.4 release.

The export files associated with the API packages of the Java Card Platform, Classic Edition, are included in the reference implementation bundle. The export files are subject to change until the final release. The new package version numbers are:

  • javacard.framework - version 1.6
  • - version 1.6
  • javacardx.crypto - version 1.6
  • javacardx.apdu.util - version 1.0
  • javacardx.biometry1toN - version 1.0
  • -version 1.0
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