2G SIM Cards

2G SIM Cards

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Smartjac Test (U) SIM card - Configure Your SIM card !

You can quickly choose the options you need for your test SIM cards; mini 2FF, micro 3FF or nano 4FF form factor, network, algorithm, applications on the card, etc. You can also order and purchase some samples (10-20 pcs) if you only need a monir qty of sim cards prior larger batches of cards.

4G Open Multipurpose UICC Card - 2FF

Multipurpose UICC card for 2G, 3G, 4G/LTE, CDMA, ISIM and NFC. Follows ISO 7816. NFC enabled with SWP. Up to 768 KB available or 20 applications.

3G USIMERA PRIME Card incl Milenage Algorithm - 2FF

UICC card incl SIM and USIM application and open for extended LTE files and EAP-SIM/EAP-AKA native support.

3G USIMERA PRIME Card with LTE Profiles incl Milenage Algorithm - 3FF

UICC card incl SIM and USIM application and LTE files and EAP-SIM/EAP-AKA native support.

3G USIM Card incl Dummy XOR Algorithm - 2FF

Multi application capability with both 2G SIM and 3G USIM applications.

Multipurpose Card with LTE files - Milenage - 4FF

Multipurpose UICC Card with LTE files and SIM/USIM/CSIM/ISIM applications - Incl Milenage auth algoritm.

2G SIM card incl Dummy XOR Algorithm - 3FF

2G Micro SIM card incl Dummy XOR Algorithm - 3FF

3G USIM Card incl Milenage Algorithm - 2FF

3G USIM card with LTE Profiles incl support for Milenage algorithm - 2FF

Multipurpose UICC Card with LTE files - Dummy XOR - DUO

A 2FF/3FF UICC multipurpose UICC SIM card incl Dummy XOR algorithm with SIM/USIM/CSIM/ISIM Applications.

Multipurpose UICC Card with LTE files - Dummy XOR - 3FF

Multipurpose UICC Card with LTE files and SIM/USIM/CSIM/ISIM applications - Incl Dummy XOR auth algorithm.

3G USIMERA PRIME Card incl Milenage Algorithm - 3FF

UICC card incl SIM and USIM application and open for extended LTE files and EAP-SIM/EAP-AKA native support.

3G USIMERA PRIME Card incl Milenage Algorithm - 4FF

UICC card incl SIM and USIM application and open for extended LTE files and EAP-SIM/EAP-AKA native support.

3G USIM Card incl Milenage Algorithm - 3FF

3G USIM card with LTE Profiles incl support for Milenage algorithm - 3FF

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