Day 1
Introduction to Mobile NFC
> History
> What is Mobile NFC?
> Use Cases
> Business drivers & models for different actors
> Market feedback on trends (JV, SIM rental…), lessons learned (enrolment, advertising…) & best practices
> Real deployment examples, Case Study, videos & Demos
Focus on Mobile Equipment
> Architecture for Mobile Contactless
> Secure Elements & NFC-related protocols
o Different solutions compared
o Market trends
> User Interface (UI)
o Wallet introduction
o User experience for selecting & using NFC services (CRS, CREL concepts from GP2.2 Amendment C)
o UI technology & specifications
_ STK, Java, Android, and JSR 177, SIMalliance
o Mobile Application – NFC UICC application security overview (Access Control)
Focus on SIM Secure Element
> What is a smart card & Why adapted for hosting of MNO, NFC payment & transport applications
> Understanding UICC Multi application model
> Security features
> Remote management of data
> Summary of specific UICC features required for using as NFC services Secure Element
Day 2
Global Platform Basics
> What is GlobalPlatform ?
> How actors can manage their applications on the same card
> What is a Security Domain & how can it be used?
o Privileges, market trends…
> Secure Channel Protocol overview (SCP80, 02…)
> Card Content Management basics (INSTALL, LOAD, PERSO, EXTRADITION….)
> Global Platform Commands summary
> GP and Mobile NFC – Different Card architectures
o Pre-issuance, remote management of content…
> Controlling Authority (GP2.2 Amendment A), Verification Authority & Certification concepts
Trusted Service Management
> What is TSM?
> Split architecture between SP-TSM & SE Issuer (MNO)-TSM
> Each Elements basic role
> SP-TSM deployment models & Server Architectures
o Corresponding Card architectures
> Contracts management examples
Focus on Server Side (& MNO-TSM)
> SP-TSM & SE Issuer-TSM interfaces
o Standards (GP System Messaging API &
o AFSCM Specification overview (for MNO-TSM)
> Service Life-cycle management processes examples (Eligibility, activation, lost handset…)
o Standards
o AFSCM Specification overview